Frequently Asked Questions

We get these questions a lot about the our Pre-GED Math Made Easy course. Here are our best answers...

For less than the cost of a daily cup of coffee for a month, you’ll be well on your way to a better job and making more money. In fact, GED graduates can make an average of $8,500 more per year after finishing high school. Also, you COULD spend less elsewhere, but how much are you really saving if you have to pay to take the test more than once because cheaper options aren’t focused on GED math test prep.

First, most of these classes are actually computer-based, so you don’t get the benefit of teacher-led instruction. Second, these classes aren’t as flexible as online courses. Students are required to commute to school at least one day a week which is difficult for students who work. Also, if you fail to meet the attendance requirements, you’ll be dropped from the program.

Trying to learn math by watching YouTube videos is time-consuming and ineffective. Math skills build upon each other in a logical order. For example, you need to master division before you can understand fractions. You need an experienced math teacher to guide you along a proven learning sequence. Also, you can’t learn math by watching videos alone. You learn math by doing it. That means you need pratice solving math problems. This course includes practice exercises, review quizzes and practice tests to make sure you master each math topic.

Many students believe that they can’t learn math, but I have seen first hand that all learners can excel with the right guidance and instruction. Also, some students doubt the effectiveness of online learning, but online students remember 25-60% of what they learned, while traditional learners recall 8-10%. Also, self-paced courses like the Ultimate GED Math Crash Course, require 40-60% less study time for learning than in-person classes (eLearning Industry, 2022).

I understand that adults have busy lives that can change unexpectedly. That’s why you’ll enjoy lifetime access to the course so you can feel secure knowing that you can study when life allows. Also, I made the instructional videos less than 10 minutes and the review quizzes 5 minutes or less to complete. This way you’ll make significant progress if you complete one 15-minute lesson a day.

Other prep courses teach you general math concepts, but my course teaches you how to solve the types of math problems you’ll see on the GED math test. For example, other math courses teach you about fractions and decimals but I’ll teach you how to order fractions and decimals, which is a specific skill you’ll need to pass the test. Unlike other courses, I won’t teach you math that isn’t on the test. Also, in my course you’ll learn test-taking tips and how to use the calculator on the test. 

The Pre-GED Math Made Easy course has helped set up hundreds of learners just like you for success on the GED math test. But don’t take my word for it, check out just a few of the many success stories of students who took the course.

If you purchase and decide that our Pre-GED Math Made Easy course isn’t the right fit for you, you’re eligible for a full refund. 

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Mom taking the GED Math Crash course online


The Ultimate GED math test prep kickstart kit

Here's what you'll get in this kickstart kit: